Abstract Submission Portal
7-10 Aug 2025 Southfield, MI (United States)

Call for Papers

The study of metaphor is bidirectionally connected to technology. In one direction, metaphor actively shapes our conceptualization of emerging technologies, such as in communicating and thinking about novel technologies and scientific advances (e.g., "artificial intelligence", "information highway", "the brain is a computer" etc). In the other direction, emerging technologies can actively contribute to the study of metaphor, from using big data to build computational models of metaphor, to technology providing new means of metaphoric expression, such as in social media and memes. This RaAM conference theme of Metaphor and Technology encompasses the multiple ways metaphor and technology, broadly defined, interact. We are particularly interested in papers and posters that are related to this broad theme, but welcome all submissions that fit the general RaAM areas of study, including metaphor and:

– Artificial Intelligence and/or computational modelling
– Technological conceptualization and innovation
– Big data
– Scientific and technological communication
– Embodiment and metaphor in humans vs machines
– STEM Education
– Expressing metaphor through technological tools (emojis, memes, tweets)
– Other topics

This website is primarily for abstract submissions - for more information about the conference, please visit the conference local site.


Submission Guidelines

  • To submit an abstract, please first make an account or login (see top right).

  • Please use this guide if you need additional assistance submitting your abstract. Please note that this general guide has additional instructions on how to submit a full paper after your abstract is accepted, but this is not necessary or required for the conference - you will not be asked to submit full papers.

  • Abstracts can be submitted now until Dec 15, 2024

  • Notification of Acceptance Decision: January 2025 

As with previous RaAM events, submissions can be for posters, papers, or theme sessions.

All submissions should include a title, research question/aims, methodological details, preliminary/expected results and conclusions.

Author-identifying information should not be included in the abstract body in order for a double-blind peer-review. Abstract submissions must also include relevant keywords, in addition to topics, if relevant. Abstract should be no more than 400 words not including title and references. Delegates can submit up to three separate works but can be first-author on only one submission.

Poster sessions: Single or multiple authors, to be presented during the conference poster sessions. 

Paper sessions: Single or multiple authors, to be presented during 20 minute oral sessions.

Theme sessions: 90/180-minute theme-based panels. Proposals should include the title, explanation of the session(s) and 3-6 abstracts that can be sent directly to halazary@ltu.edu. Individual authors should also submit their abstracts separately for double-blind peer review indicating the title of the theme session in which they are included.

Prizes and Travel Bursary - To be completed after abstract submission

To be considered for the Best Presentation Prize, Best Poster Prize, and/or the Travel Bursary, please fill-out this form after you submit your abstract.

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